Reviews Our 7-in-1 Rechargeable Solar Transformer
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WHAT: 7-in-1 Rechargeable Solar Transformers by OWI Robotics
DOES: a build and play set where building is over half the fun; instant kid magnet at the park; car charges don't last long but the cars are fast; charging by battery takes just seconds; battery charger included
INVEST: $26.95 depending on retailer
TOOLS: Social Scene Helper, Think Like a Scientist/Engineer
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If my son could have his way, he would buy all the science kits that are made for boys his age. But the truth is, I don't buy that many for him. Many science kits on the market today are not very open-ended. As with some craft kits that many girls may be purchasing, some science kits can also be too "one-note" as Number 5's mom would say.
However, when I saw OWI's 7-in-1 Transformers Kit and saw the video of a little solar car zipping around, I figured if there was any solar kit that sang more than one not, this would be it.
But when we got it, I made a conclusion about my knowledge of science kits.
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Do you remember what models looked like? Not the runway kind but those plastic models that boys used to do "back in the day"? This kit reminds me a little of that except this time, there are solar panels! The models of yesteryear were a challenge to build but then sort of sat there until your mom threw it away. This kit may not contain as much of that challenge because you can surely finish it on the same day however, you can really play with it afterwards - a huge plus for us.
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