Local high school students enjoy our Robotic Arm Edge

"Thank you for this opportunity. I had a lot of fun, and I can't wait to get further into robotics!"
    -Ian Wolcott

"I'm so glad I got to be a part of this experience. Thank you so much! I'm inspired to design robots on my own!"
    -Nicky Sandoz

"Thank you for the opportunity to build the robotic arm, it was my first time ever building anything robotic and it was just super amazing!"
    - Ivara Roth

"These kits were both fun and challenging. They were extremely beneficial to our club and were a great learning experience for our members that were new to the mechanical side of robotics."
-Jordan Heinemann

"Through the kits you guys graciously donated, I truly believe our knowledge and minds have been enriched. They were a great learning experience teaching not only the wonders of robotics, but also the sense of triumph that comes with the journey."
 -George lee

"This isn't my first time in robotics and it's something I would like to continue. I'm learning a lot by using the robots you have provided. So thank you for all that you have done."
-Conor Costallo

"These kits are great for learning about robotics. They've really helped our club, and we're planning to use them in further projects. Thank you for the generous donation."
-Ryan Chan

"Though this may be my first time participating in robotics, these kits enhanced my knowledge in building machines. The kits have helped our club become smarter, and will certainly help us in future projects."
-Spencer Bentley

"Dear OWI Robotics,
Thank you so much for your generous donation to our club. As president, I give so much credit to your company for sparking interest in our members and starting what I think will be both a great club and a great future in robotics for its members. Personally, I have unquestionably learned so much from these arms, and we plan on doing further projects with them. Thank you for being such a generous sponsor. Corona del Mar High school Robotics Club is very grateful for your support."
-Amanda Cooper

Here are some photos of our amazing experience!:


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