Kiddie Corner Deals Reviews Our Salt Water Fuel Cell Monster Truck

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Gavyn has had an interest in building since a very young age. Now that he is getting older, he wants to explore different options. He is a big fan of Legos and K'Nex and will bring his buckets down daily. He enjoys building with his dad, and as a parent I love all the benefits building provides. They use their imaginations, fine motor skills, problems solving skills and numerous other benefits. But a company I was introduced to has taken building to an entire new level by introducing robotic kits for kids and adults that familiarizes children to robotics, science and solar technology. OWI Robotics offer RobotiKits and OWIKits in different levels for beginners to advance. The kits are unique, fun and educational.

We chose the Salt Water Fuel Cell Monster Truck as Gavyn still enjoys large trucks but he was going to learn quite a bit with this kit. The kit includes plastic parts and mechanical parts; motor with connections, pinion gear and gear.

My husband helped Gavyn with the kit and he highly recommends having needle nose pliers available if you have large fingers, as the parts are small; such as the pistons and rods. Do not cut off all the parts ahead of time, do this as you go by steps as the plastic they are attached to has the letters and numbers of the parts that you'll need. The instructions are step-by-step with alphanumeric numbers for the parts, showing what parts are required to be assembled.

Once mixed you'll remove the fuel cell plate, cover and magnesium sheet to add salt water on the nonwoven fabric. Replace everything and watch the truck move. I timed our monster truck and it ran for about 15 minutes before having to add more salt water. I couldn't just test it on carpets, so outdoors Gavyn and I went to see how well it did on different terrain types such as rocks, dirt, grass and hills. We were all surprised at the monster truck chugging away.

Many thanks to! Click here to read the full review.


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