The Chester County Career Center's article about OWI's Robotic Arm Edge.

With permission- Mr. Gail R. Hirschy Pre-Engineering, Mechatronics Instructor CHESTER COUNTY CAREER CENTER, CHESTER, SOUTH CAROLINA INTEGRATES THE OWI, INC.�S ROBOTIC ARM EDGE INTO MECHATRONICS CURRICULUM At the Chester County Career Center in Chester, South Carolina a Mechatronics course is offered to students under a high school Pre-Engineering program. One of the requirements for a capstone project is for high school seniors to design, assemble, program and troubleshoot an industrial robotic automated assembly line and to be highly skilled in the area of robotic automation. Without constructing an actual robot in their prerequisite courses, students have found the troubleshooting aspect of the robot quite difficult, especially when working with the various joints and the movements of the joints. The robots used on the simulated assembly line are used strictly for programming due to the need for accuracy and working with close tolerances. Cons...