
Showing posts from September, 2012

Robotics Projects for Engineering Students

An Introduction to Programming Robots A robot requires to be programmed; it is basic instructions on what it is supposed to execute. This is because without programming, the robot is considered as a machine without inbuilt intelligence. What is Robotic Programming? Robotics programming is basically assigning a set of instructions for the robot to execute. The programming is responsible for the artificial intelligence fed into the robots system. Robotics Programming Language Most robots are programmed from scratch while others are embedded with a pre-existing programming framework. RAIL - Considered the best programming language for robotics projects that require manipulation and vision. AML - Acronym for a Manufacturing Language, it was developed by the IBM Corporation. It is a sub-routine and implemented to manage assembly robots and Cartesian arm for hydraulic machines. VAL - Acronym for Variable Assembly Language which is designed with a simple syntax, hence, can be used by any...

Introduction to Programming Robots

What is Robotics programming? When the average person thinks of robotics or robotics programming, images of science fiction mechanized androids like C3P0 or R2D2 tend to come to mind. Robotics, however, is a highly specialized hobby and area of study, and brings together the varied disciplines of mechanical engineering, manufacturing, electronics and computer science in fascinating and exciting ways. Robotics programming is the use of various programming languages and programmable devices to design the complex algorithms which control a robot's behavior, resourcefullness, and automation abilities. This code is often transferred to microcontrollers which offer a small and portable way to run the code without having to attach a large, power-dependent controller like a personal computer or a laptop. Robotics programming languages There are several options when it comes to the language used to program a robotic device, from the most basic to advanced, specific forms of well-known progr...