Amazing Obstacle Sensing Robot Mod
We love all of our products but every once and a while a tech savvy customer will come along with a 3rd party modification that is just too cool to not tell you about. Kevin Nichols has modified our OWI-536 All Terrain Robot to move on its own while automatically sensing and reacting to its surroundings. Check out the video below. Kevin gives a how to below: This is the code for the yellow robot that I made with an arduino and motor shield. It is not the best code in the world, nor is it finished. I put explanations off to the side. They will not affect the way your robot works. They always have // before them so the arduino knows to ignore them. Also note, this code is setup to work with the EZ-1 sonor sensor that we have for sale. It is a great sensor and it is very accurate, however it has a few problems. When the robot is aimed at a hard surface and is at more than a 45 degree angle to it, the sound will just bounce off and the sensor will not see the echo. I plan to ch...